I aim to be Nothing
This site is still highly under construction but I am working on it. It will be for my
personal blog that is focused on the environment and articles that I write.
Example Despite having a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science I feel like I am the biggest dingus when it comes to coding so I am slow!
If you happen to stumble on this blog and want to participate in my upcoming article please reach out.
Looking for Artists to Interview
So I got super high and my best ideas come from it. Like another reason for me to try at something I know might fail but my lil brain goes "Hey….DO IT ANYWAYS" so here I go….
I am looking to interview a few artists.
- I love art and love hearing straight from people's mouths their opinions.
- Opinions as data is something I am obsessed with and how that influences the world around us.
- When I am done with this interview/survey I would like to provide it to others to view and read as I find stuff like this interesting. (Deatils can be discussed)
If this sounds like something that interests you or if you are bored and want to see what kind of whack a doodle I am then "Hey….pst…DO IT"
I want to discuss a lot of topics about art. Mostly how you view the art world in its current state and past and future. I can send you a list of questions if you ask for them. They aren't secret I just don't want to list them here and have to sort through comments. Especially because I would like to have intimate conversations about these topics with people who are passionate about art.
I don't plan on doing Voice Chat or Video Calls for this go around but I think I would like to in the future if I find myself so inclined to. I just don't have the best set-up to do it the way I would like to right now.
I hope that you will consider it. I do think it could make for some interesting conversation if anything.
I still need to set up a contact page but right now you can reach me at my tumblr.
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Coming Soon